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Clubbercise Leeds West with Claire

Bringing Your Night Out To Your Workout

Gym Fitness

Hi, I'm Claire and I have over 10 years experience in helping women dance their way to health, happiness and confidence!😍
Join us for Clubbercise: easy-to-follow dance routines to club anthems from 90's to today with glow sticks!

About Clubbercise Leeds West with Claire

Get fit and have fun! A dance fitness class with easy-to-follow routines using glow sticks to club classics from the nineties to now.

What happens in a Clubbercise class?

We darken the room, get the UV & disco lights going and start with a simple warm up routine. Then we work up a sweat dancing to club classics from the 90′s to recent dance anthems. The routines are easy-to-follow and always have high or low impact options.

What should I wear/bring?

No heels! Just trainers and sportswear/streetwear/fitness clothing… something you can dance/rave in… and make sure you bring some water.

Do I need to be an experienced dancer and do I need to be fit?

Having rhythm helps but we deliberately make our routines easy-to-follow so anyone can have a go. A reasonable level of fitness would help but we do teach high and low impact options so our classes are fine if you’re just starting out on a fitness regime or if you’re already a fitness freak!

Services we provide

  • Exercise Classes
  • Fit Fun
  • Easy Routines


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