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In this guide, we're going to walk you through the process of laying sleepers for garden edging like a pro. Say goodbye to dull and uninspiring borders and hello to a garden that's bursting with charm and character! 

Understanding Sleepers: The Basics 

Before we dive into the practical details of laying sleepers, let us take a moment to understand what they are. Sleepers are large, rectangular pieces of timber commonly used in landscaping projects. They are incredibly versatile and can be used for everything from creating raised beds to defining pathways. 

Choosing the Right Sleepers 

When it comes to selecting sleepers for your garden edging project, there are a few things to consider. Primarily, you will want to think about the type of timber you want to use. Hardwood sleepers, such as oak or jarrah, are durable and long-lasting, making them ideal for outdoor use. However, they can be a bit more expensive than softwood options like pine or cedar. 

In addition to considering the type of timber, you will also want to think about the size and shape of the sleepers. Standard sleepers typically measure around 2.4 meters in length, but you can also find shorter lengths if you are working with a smaller space. As for the shape, you can choose between square-edged sleepers for a clean and modern look or rounded sleepers for a more rustic feel. 

Preparing Your Garden 

Before you start laying your sleepers, it is important to prepare your garden properly. Begin by marking out the area where you want your edge to go using a length of hose or string. This will give you clear guidelines to follow as you work. 

Next, you will need to dig a trench along the edge of your garden to accommodate the sleepers. The depth of the trench will depend on the height of your sleepers, but as a rule of thumb, aim for a depth of around half the height of the sleepers. 

Once you have dug your trench, use a spirit level to ensure that the ground is level. This will help to prevent any wonky edging once the sleepers are in place. 

Laying the Sleepers 

With your garden prepped and ready to go, it's time to start laying your sleepers. Begin by placing the first sleeper in the trench, making sure it's flush against the edge of your garden. Use a rubber mallet to gently tap the sleeper into place, ensuring that it's level as you go. 

Once the first sleeper is in place, repeat the process with the remaining sleepers until you have completed your edging. If you are working with multiple layers of sleepers, be sure to stagger the joints to create a stronger and more visually appealing finish. 

Finishing Touches 

With your sleepers securely in place, you can add the final changes to your garden edge. If you want to enhance the look of your edge further, consider staining or painting the sleepers in a color that complements your garden's aesthetic. 

You can also add a layer of gravel or decorative stones along the inside of the edge to create a clean and polished finish. Not only will this help to prevent weeds from creeping into your garden, but it will also add an extra pop of visual interest. 

And there you have it – a foolproof guide to laying sleepers for garden edging! With just a little bit of time and effort, you can transform your garden into a beautiful and stylish outdoor oasis that you will be proud to show off to friends and family. Happy gardening! 



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