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Power Clean

Driveway cleaning you can rely on.

Driveway Cleaning

If you want a professional drive cleaning company, look no further. Unlike domestic pressure and power washers, we can control the force and air flow so your paving can be power cleaned safely without compromising the integrity of the surface.

We are an independent local company specialising in restoring hard landscaped driveway, pavement and patio areas of domestic and commercial properties.

Here at Power Clean, our goal is to provide all our customers with useful information and helpful advice in preparation for our power cleaning service. We strive for perfection and our customers are kept in the loop at all stages of the job, ensuring customer requirements and any afterthoughts are always met. 

Services we provide

  • Driveway Cleaning
  • Jet Washing
  • Sealing Services
  • Resanding Rejointing
  • Groundworks
  • Repairs
  • Residential Commercial


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Where to find us

Unit 10, Howley Park road East Howley Park Industrial Estate, Morley Leeds LS27 0SW

Opening hours

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